The raspy, boisterous sounds of snoring may be the stuff of comedy, but when you or your partner can’t sleep because of loud or chronic snoring, it’s no laughing matter. At Houston Sinus Surgery, you can find out what’s causing your snoring and get relief. One of the most respected ENT physicians in the Houston area, Cecil Yeung, MD and his team offer state-of-the-art diagnostics and snoring treatments.
If you’re ready for a more restful night’s sleep, contact the staff at or book a snoring consultation online.
Snoring Q & A
Why do I snore?
Sleeping relaxes the muscles of the roof of your mouth, tongue, and throat so much that they may partially block your airway. Snoring is the sound that results when air vibrates against those overly relaxed soft tissues.
Does everyone snore?
Most people snore occasionally. Chronic or loud snoring may be the sign of a serious sleep disorder called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can lead to serious complications if not treated.
You’re more likely to snore if you:
- Are a man
- Are overweight
- Have a narrow airway
- Have a large tongue, tonsils, or other oral tissues
- Drink alcohol (relaxes soft tissues)
- Have a deviated septum or other structural abnormalities
- Are chronically congested
- Have a family history of snoring or sleep apnea
When does snoring need treatment?
As soon as snoring interferes with your or your loved one’s quality of life, you should see Dr. Yeung for an evaluation. You should also call for a consultation if you:
- Stop breathing at night
- Gasp, gag, or choke during sleep
- Have chest pain at night
- Have morning headaches or sore throats
- Have high blood pressure
Snoring that disrupts your sleep also prevents your body from getting the rest it needs to stay healthy. You should contact Dr. Yeung if you suffer from symptoms of sleep deprivation, such as:
- Moodiness
- Trouble concentrating
- Forgetfulness or brain fog
- Excessive sleepiness
- Falling asleep while driving
If my child snores, is it serious?
Sleep apnea can affect children, too. If your child stops breathing at night or has other symptoms of sleep apnea, you should see Dr. Yeung right away. Sleep deprivation in children can also lead to poor attention span, behavioral problems, and poor school performance.
How do ENT doctors treat snoring?
Dr. Yeung first determines the cause of your snoring. Lifestyle measures, such as sleeping on your side and losing weight, can relieve mild cases. Medications, such as nasal decongestants, may also help in the short term.
Snoring that doesn’t improve may need other therapies, including a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or automatic positive airway pressure (APAP) mask to help you breathe, or a custom-made oral appliance therapy (OAT) that prevents airway obstruction. Severe cases of snoring and sleep apnea may require surgery
When your snoring interferes with sound sleep or is accompanied by signs of sleep apnea, call Dr. Yeung’s friendly staff or book an appointment online.
Here is a real example of a patient’s snoring activity before and after Dr. Yeung’s endoscopic sinus surgery:


Our patient, Tom, was a chronic snorer who was constantly being kicked out of bed by his wife. Tom’s snoring was so disruptive that he used the SnoreLab app on his phone to track what was going on overnight. According to the app, Tom ranked as an “Epic” snorer.
Tom came to us in need of help and was a good candidate for endoscopic sinus surgery. He underwent the procedure in December, and when he came back for his follow up appointments, he (and his wife!) were happy to report that his snoring had virtually gone away. (Tom gave us permission to use his before and after SnoreLab Reports from his phone above.)
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